Guatemala isn’t the only country where highway travel sucks!
from Tom, Broomfield, Colorado I spent eight years teaching in China and got to see much of the country, traveling to lesser-known spots, such as you favor doing. One thing I enjoyed tremendously about your ride to El Salvador, was your inclusion of highway numbers on your route. While reading, I followed along on Google Maps and had a sense of being on the trip with you. I easily found Highway 12 and could visualize your description of the major bottleneck. Many of my trips in China used multi-modal transportation methods and frequently incorporated hitchhiking. As I read about each of your delays, I tried to think of what I might have done differently, had I anticipated the delay (which I admit, you couldn’t). A few years after the 2008 Sichuan, China earthquake, I was in Sichuan Province, traveling one way from Jiuzhaigou (valley of nine villages), one of China’s most beautiful national parks to Chengdu, the provincial capital. At that time, there were only two buses per week, a...